用友T+安装后登录失败,提示:This implementation is not part of the Windows Platform

用友T+安装后登录失败,提示:This implementation is not part of the Windows Platform

用友知识堂用友软件2017-05-11 21:45:0216300A+A-

用友畅捷通T+12.0安装后登录失败This implementation is not part of the Windows Platform FIPS validated cryptographic algorithms.

2015-06-17 15:59:19.621`[错误]`[服务加载器]`PID:1`PName:Ufida.T.Tool.TaskService.exe`TID:9`服务加载错误: This implementation is not part of the Windows Platform FIPS validated cryptographic algorithms.

2015-06-17 15:59:19.623`[灾难]`[Server]`PID:1`PName:Ufida.T.Tool.TaskService.exe`TID:9`The type initializer for 'Ufida.T.EAP.Aop.Util.InstancePool' threw an exception.

扫码 有偿解决 用友软件技术问题!

2015-06-17 15:59:19.624`[错误]`[Server]`PID:1`PName:Ufida.T.Tool.TaskService.exe`TID:9` at Ufida.T.EAP.Aop.Util.InstancePool.Instance()

at Ufida.T.EAP.Aop.Handler.ServiceServer.initStart()


单击 开始 ,单击 运行 ,键入 gpedit.msc ,然后单击 确定 。

用友T+安装后登录失败,提示:This implementation is not part of the Windows Platform

依次展开 计算机配置 ,展开 Windows 设置 ,展开 安全设置 ,展开 本地策略 ,然后单击 安全选项 。

在右窗格中, 双击 系统加密: 使用 FIPS 兼容的算法来加密,散列,和签名 ,单击禁用 ,然后单击 确定 。

用友T+安装后登录失败,提示:This implementation is not part of the Windows Platform

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